SOET is Spandoc’s monthly subscription programme for doctors and other health professionals who want to:
• Practise and broaden their knowledge of Medical English, and/or
• Prepare for the Occupational English Test (OET)
SOET builds on all that has been taught in the SD programme and puts it into practice through:
• Face-to-face online sessions
• Full OET-type tests with feedback
Also, SOET provides new learning tools in the form of recorded and written lessons and exercises to improve your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.
We encourage all doctors and other health professionals with an advanced level of English to join the SOET programme, to deepen their knowledge and practice their medical English, whether or not they plan to sit the OET exam.
Spandoc is the first official premium preparation provider for OET in Spain.
SOET is the last programme of the Spandoc Journey subscription, so if you have not completed the previous programmes, we recommend that you start HERE.
Otherwise, or if you need to pass the OET exam within the next 20 months, keep reading.
SOET is a programme primarily designed for doctors, but we have adaptations available for other health professionals.
To pass the OET exam you need:
You must already have a high level of general English before you join the programme, and you will develop you medical English and exam skills with the programme.
When you join, you start with the first of a series of 12 SOET courses: SOET-1 to SOET-12. You may do as many SOET courses as you wish.
In each course you will follow these 3 phases:
You will do both attempts of Practice Exam online, and will get a score, so that you get an idea of how close you are to passing the OET exam if you are interested in this.
The Speaking component is done in an online class via Zoom. To give you maximum flexibility, this is not included in the subscription fee, so that you can book as many as you need and only when you need them. You will need to book at least 1 group session or 2 one-to-one sessions for the first attempt of exam, and 1 group session or 2 one-to-one sessions for the second one.
In the Learn & Prepare phase, you will study or revise material from:
English Level Required:
The level of English required for the course is Advanced. If you are not sure of your level, you can take this free test or any of the following widely recognised exams: IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, Cambridge English, Linguaskill, Versant.
If your level is not Advanced yet, we recommend you join Spandoc Journey HERE adding one-to-one Medical Conversation sessions HERE. The teacher will advise you when you are ready to join SOET.
SOET is part of the Spandoc Journey subscription, which starts with the IPM course, continues with the SD programme, and ends with the SOET programme and/or the Spandoc Club.
Please take this free test to check your English level. You need a score of 42 or higher to be able to join SOET. If you do not reach a score of 42, we recommend you start by joining Spandoc Journey HERE adding one-to-one Medical Conversation sessions HERE. The teacher will advise you when you are ready to join SOET.
We recommend that you join the Spandoc Journey from the start and reach SOET later if:
If any of these apply to you: SUBSCRIBE TO SPANDOC JOURNEY
The subscription fee for Spandoc Journey is 30€ per month.
Alternatively, we recommend that you join the SOET programme directly if:
If both of these conditions apply to you, then: SUBSCRIBE TO SOET
The price for SOET programme is 60€ + C per month (C being the online classes you book).
For each SOET course you complete, you will need to book at least 120 minutes of online classes with the teacher to practise the Speaking subtest and get feedback for the Writing subtest.
There are no deadlines or limits. You can do as many SOET courses as you wish in any single month, or take any number of days, weeks or months to complete a single SOET course. There are a total of 12 SOET courses available.
If you have passed all courses of the SD programme, you are entitled to a 50% discount, i.e. 30€ per month. To request a reduced fee, please send us your details below. We will email you within 72 working hours.
El Occupational English Test es un examen de inglés que evalúa las habilidades de comunicación lingüística de los profesionales de la salud que desean registrarse y practicar en un entorno de habla inglesa. Actualmente es requerido en países como Australia y Nueva Zelanda, y aceptado como prueba de conocimiento de inglés para poder ejercer la medicina en el Reino Unido, Irlanda, Estados Unidos o Canadá, gracias al reconocimiento oficial del OET por organismos como: GMC (General Medical Council – Colegio Oficial de Médicos británico), NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland), MC (Medical Council of Ireland), ECFMG / FAIMER (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates / Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research), CPSBC (College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia), CPSNL (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador).
También está reconocido en España por CRUE, la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas.
El examen OET valora la habilidad para comunicarse de un modo efectivo en escenarios relacionados con la salud, ser capaz de redactar un informe de derivación, entender una consulta de un paciente o textos de revistas médicas, etc. Se divide en 4 áreas: Listening, Reading, Writing y Speaking.
Los apartados de Listening y Reading están diseñados para evaluar la habilidad de un candidato para comprender el inglés oral y escrito sobre temas relacionados con la salud. El contenido es común a todas las profesiones sanitarias.
Los apartados de Writing y Speaking están diseñados para reflejar situaciones habituales que acontecen en el puesto de trabajo, por lo que se centran en el área específica de cada profesión sanitaria, en nuestro caso la Medicina.
El test puntúa de 0 a 500, siendo 500 la nota más alta.
El GMC requiere una nota 350, que en general corresponde a un nivel de conocimiento C1 (avanzado) del idioma.
Exámenes oficiales
En 2025 hay fechas previstas para exámenes oficiales en Barcelona, Granada, Madrid y Santiago de Compostela.
El precio es de 587 dólares australianos (aproximadamente 360€).
1) Para prepararte es necesario adquirir amplios conocimientos de vocabulario médico, acostumbrarse a leer textos médicos y escuchar charlas, entre otras aptitudes. Estas habilidades las puedes adquirir con la ayuda del curso IPM y el programa SD. Recomendamos comenzar tu preparación haciendo estos cursos en la suscripción Spandoc Journey.
2) Una vez adquirido el dominio del inglés médico, también es necesario practicar el examen OET. Esto puedes hacerlo con la suscripción Spandoc for OET (SOET).
El tiempo de dedicación recomendado para aprobar el OET dependerá de tu nivel de inglés y del tiempo que le puedas dedicar al estudio. Puedes consultar una estimación AQUÍ.
On completing a SOET course, you will be able to download your certificate including your score.
This certificate is issued by Spandoc and its consideration by third parties is discretional.
SOET is a programme primarily designed for doctors, but we have adaptations available for other health professionals.
To pass the OET exam you need:
You must already have a high level of general English before you join the programme, and you will develop you medical English and exam skills with the programme.
When you join, you start with the first of a series of 12 SOET courses: SOET-1 to SOET-12. You may do as many SOET courses as you wish.
In each course you will follow these 3 phases:
You will do both attempts of Practice Exam online, and will get a score, so that you get an idea of how close you are to passing the OET exam if you are interested in this.
The Speaking component is done in an online class via Zoom. To give you maximum flexibility, this is not included in the subscription fee, so that you can book as many as you need and only when you need them. You will need to book at least 1 group session or 2 one-to-one sessions for the first attempt of exam, and 1 group session or 2 one-to-one sessions for the second one.
In the Learn & Prepare phase, you will study or revise material from:
English Level Required:
The level of English required for the course is Advanced. If you are not sure of your level, you can take this free test or any of the following widely recognised exams: IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, Cambridge English, Linguaskill, Versant.
If your level is not Advanced yet, we recommend you join Spandoc Journey HERE adding one-to-one Medical Conversation sessions HERE. The teacher will advise you when you are ready to join SOET.
SOET is part of the Spandoc Journey subscription, which starts with the IPM course, continues with the SD programme, and ends with the SOET programme and/or the Spandoc Club.
Please take this free test to check your English level. You need a score of 42 or higher to be able to join SOET. If you do not reach a score of 42, we recommend you start by joining Spandoc Journey HERE adding one-to-one Medical Conversation sessions HERE. The teacher will advise you when you are ready to join SOET.
We recommend that you join the Spandoc Journey from the start and reach SOET later if:
If any of these apply to you: SUBSCRIBE TO SPANDOC JOURNEY
The subscription fee for Spandoc Journey is 30€ per month.
Alternatively, we recommend that you join the SOET programme directly if:
If both of these conditions apply to you, then: SUBSCRIBE TO SOET
The price for SOET programme is 60€ + C per month (C being the online classes you book).
For each SOET course you complete, you will need to book at least 120 minutes of online classes with the teacher to practise the Speaking subtest and get feedback for the Writing subtest.
There are no deadlines or limits. You can do as many SOET courses as you wish in any single month, or take any number of days, weeks or months to complete a single SOET course. There are a total of 12 SOET courses available.
If you have passed all courses of the SD programme, you are entitled to a 50% discount, i.e. 30€ per month. To request a reduced fee, please send us your details below. We will email you within 72 working hours.
El Occupational English Test es un examen de inglés que evalúa las habilidades de comunicación lingüística de los profesionales de la salud que desean registrarse y practicar en un entorno de habla inglesa. Actualmente es requerido en países como Australia y Nueva Zelanda, y aceptado como prueba de conocimiento de inglés para poder ejercer la medicina en el Reino Unido, Irlanda, Estados Unidos o Canadá, gracias al reconocimiento oficial del OET por organismos como: GMC (General Medical Council – Colegio Oficial de Médicos británico), NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland), MC (Medical Council of Ireland), ECFMG / FAIMER (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates / Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research), CPSBC (College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia), CPSNL (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador).
También está reconocido en España por CRUE, la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas.
El examen OET valora la habilidad para comunicarse de un modo efectivo en escenarios relacionados con la salud, ser capaz de redactar un informe de derivación, entender una consulta de un paciente o textos de revistas médicas, etc. Se divide en 4 áreas: Listening, Reading, Writing y Speaking.
Los apartados de Listening y Reading están diseñados para evaluar la habilidad de un candidato para comprender el inglés oral y escrito sobre temas relacionados con la salud. El contenido es común a todas las profesiones sanitarias.
Los apartados de Writing y Speaking están diseñados para reflejar situaciones habituales que acontecen en el puesto de trabajo, por lo que se centran en el área específica de cada profesión sanitaria, en nuestro caso la Medicina.
El test puntúa de 0 a 500, siendo 500 la nota más alta.
El GMC requiere una nota 350, que en general corresponde a un nivel de conocimiento C1 (avanzado) del idioma.
Exámenes oficiales
En 2024 hay fechas previstas para exámenes oficiales en Barcelona, Granada, Madrid y Santiago de Compostela.
El precio es de 587 dólares australianos (aproximadamente 360€).
1) Para prepararte es necesario adquirir amplios conocimientos de vocabulario médico, acostumbrarse a leer textos médicos y escuchar charlas, entre otras aptitudes. Estas habilidades las puedes adquirir con la ayuda del curso IPM y el programa SD. Recomendamos comenzar tu preparación haciendo estos cursos en la suscripción Spandoc Journey.
2) Una vez adquirido el dominio del inglés médico, también es necesario practicar el examen OET. Esto puedes hacerlo con la suscripción Spandoc for OET (SOET).
El tiempo de dedicación recomendado para aprobar el OET dependerá de tu nivel de inglés y del tiempo que le puedas dedicar al estudio. Puedes consultar una estimación AQUÍ.
On completing a SOET course, you will be able to download your certificate including your score.
This certificate is issued by Spandoc and its consideration by third parties is discretional.